Introducing Lizzie, malinois, tripod, best friend.
Hello everyone, and thanks for stopping by. I’d like to start us off by telling you a little bit about Liz, and her big/little ‘brother’ Vito. Liz, as you probably guessed, is a tripod, though the leg itself is still there, it just doesn’t function. It remains curled against her chest, and since she can use it a little for balance, and the shoulder-blade protects her ribs, we have no intention of removing it. She has had this injury as long as anyone has known her, she came into the rescue I got her from that way. Theories range from kicked by a horse, hit by a car, to injured by another dog. We honestly don’t know. What we do know, however, is that she is an amazing and wonderful dog, with a heart far larger than should be able to be contained in her body. Liz loves people, especially children, and my hopes are that someday we’ll be able to train her to be a therapy dog. She already has most of the basics down, just a little fine-tuning needs to be worked on. She listens, she’s great with other dogs, she’s quiet and calm and very cuddly, and never, ever tell her she can’t do something! I have personally seen her dig and swim, all things we thought she wasn’t capable of doing. She has been an invaluable mentor to her big/little
brother Vito, a German Shepherd I rescued from death row. Recently diagnosed with EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) Vito has been slowly been recovering from the emaciated state he was in when I first adopted him. He is now twenty pounds heavier and fifty times healthier, thanks to my good friends at Thanks to Liz he’s learned patience and good manners, though he still needs a little work. I would also like to note that despite the photos, Vito is easily almost twice her size. Despite this, he always plays nice, and lets her have the couch. Speaking of couches, Liz loves them. I’m pretty sure she would trade me in for a good sofa. Which explains the title of this blog, as the world goes by from her perch on the couch. These two are the light of my life, easily the most wonderful dogs I have ever had the joy to share my home with. There’s not much more to say at the moment, but I plan to keep everyone updated on Liz and her upcoming therapy training, so keep coming back, and thanks for reading!

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Hi Alyssa! Love the Lizzie pics! I assume she lets you sit on the couch, too, right?!
Just wanted to say “hi” on your new blog….
Nice new blog header! Lizzie is beautiful. As soon as you publish your first post, we’ll announce Lizzie’s blog in the discussion forums. If you need assistance, check out the Help videos or post in the Tech Support forum.
what a great family – thanks for sharing your story and pictures!! tuning in for the next episode!
charon & gayle
Hi Lizzie and family! Welcome and we look forward to hearing about your training.
My mom thought for a long time that I might be part Malinois, too, but I’m not. I’m German shep and whippet, with some foxhound, pug and a little extra somethin’ else thrown in for good measure.
Where we live, there are Malinois that do security detail at the ferry terminals. I always like to watch them work. They seem very focused on doing their job, and never even pay attention to Monkeydog Zephyr when she barks at them (which she does EVERY time — what a doofus!!!).